Monday, November 28, 2011
An ugly thing happened to me today as I stood in line at Justice watching the woman in front of me check out her items. As I watched her fold piece, after piece of clothing- two FULL stacks of beautiful, non-clearance girl's clothing, I found myself becoming envious. I looked down at my handsome ten-year-old in his hand-me-down sweatshirt, worn-out jeans, and broken shoes and wished that I could run into some store and spoil him with a whole new wardrobe. I swallowed down my envy and looked down at my chatty, five-year-old who was beaming up at me in perfect happiness that he had found the perfect pajamas to give his cousin. Rather than celebrating with him that he had helped to chose such a fun gift, I pondered just how many times I say, "No, they aren't on clearance," to him when we pass the superhero pajamas at Target. Unfortunately, I carried that feeling of envy home with me -ugly and ungrateful. I entered my home, was greeted by my overly-enthusiastic dogs and the hustle and bustle of watching and helping my kids wrap their gifts, and was reminded that I have so much. Maybe we don't have brand new clothes most of the time, and maybe we don't have all of the latest gadgets, but we have so much more. I treasure the time I am able to spend with my children, the hours spent reading and snuggling together. I treasure my husband who still lights up when he comes home from work (even when he can probably smell the baby spit on my shoulder when he kisses me.) I'm thankful for my warm home on a rainy day, the phone calls from family with just the right words of love and encouragement when I need them. God has blessed us in more ways than I can begin to list, or than anyone else would possibly care to read. Suddenly, a couple of piles of new clothes doesn't seem so important.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Highlights from May and June
CoCo and Neil-Te with their cars and trophies. CoCo designed a sleek, fast, and stylish car. Neil-Te wanted only a wedge so his car would be fast.

SS turned 19 four days after GB was born. I figured that I had better post a picture since I'm pretty sure that she was so sleep-deprived that she barely remembers!

This is just a regular day for A. He's a cuddler and a reader and has discovered that newborns, snuggly dogs and a good book are a great way to spend some free time.

There were times over the past few years when SS would decide not to complete high school, but with a lot of support from teachers and school staff, she persevered through the daily challenge. We are so proud of her accomplishment, and so is she!

SS turned 19 four days after GB was born. I figured that I had better post a picture since I'm pretty sure that she was so sleep-deprived that she barely remembers!

Neil-Te graduated from Children in Worship (the children's program at church) and received his first "big boy" Bible. SS completed her college-bound program the same day.

GB's first official bath. Don't you just love all the hair?!

This is just a regular day for A. He's a cuddler and a reader and has discovered that newborns, snuggly dogs and a good book are a great way to spend some free time.

There were times over the past few years when SS would decide not to complete high school, but with a lot of support from teachers and school staff, she persevered through the daily challenge. We are so proud of her accomplishment, and so is she!

Friday, November 25, 2011
Our Home Has Grown By Two Feet!
Since our granddaughter is 6 months now, I guess that I should update my blog!
Here is SS at the hospital the day before she had GB (a little uncreative, but for now I'll use GB for grand-baby).

Here is SS at the hospital the day before she had GB (a little uncreative, but for now I'll use GB for grand-baby).

GB - moments after birth - perfectly healthy at 7 lbs. 14 oz. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to be with SS during her labor and delivery, but I have to admit it was tough to see her endure the pain. Yet another situation where you wish you could bear the burden for you kids!

The boys were thrilled to become uncles and continue to be. They just love GB.

SS and GB just before we headed home from the hospital.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Baby Shower and Anniversary

We covet your prayers and are thankful for our family and friends who are always so loving and supportive. My mother hosted a baby shower for SS in early April, and SS was "showered" with supplies and love. Thank you, thank you, mom and family!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Double Digits!
CoCo's 10! He also had three birthday desires. He wanted slot cars, a fluffy body pillow, and a sherpa-like blanket. For his special dinner, he chose tacos.

Here he is with his body pillow from his cousins. (A and CoCo had a family birthday party a few days before Co's birthday.)

Birthday morning sillies.
Breakfast with the grandparents, and a cookie cake from Grandma. (CoCo still doesn't like regular cake.)
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Happy Birthdays!
It's birthday month!
A is now 12! His birthday wish list this year? York Peppermint Patties, sweet midget pickles, and a black marker! His dinner menu? Same as always - homemade macaroni and cheese. He did choose carrots and pineapple this year, which is a change.

Dad is another year older - not sure what his age claim is this year. Doesn't this look like the face of youth, though?

Mom made a great birthday dinner for me on my birthday. Nice to be spoiled!

This is my birthday treat from my hubby. I've been considering getting a lap dog since we had to put our cat down in the fall. I really wanted a cuddler, but didn't want to endanger a kitten with our overly-enthusiastic German Shepherd. So here is our new Cockalier (Cocker Spaniel and Cavalier mix). We all just love him! He plays with the kids and follows us around, and most importantly, he sleeps on my lap when I'm reading or watching television. I can just feel stress slip away while he snoozes!

Thursday, March 3, 2011
Going Broke

Daddy: You lost ANOTHER tooth!
A: (pulling his tooth out of the tooth fairy pillow for inspection)Yep. It's a big one.
Daddy: How many teeth does that make in the last 10 days?! You're going to make us go broke!
A: (slyly) I thought the tooth fairy brought us the money.
Daddy: (without any hesitation) Well, she sends us the bill!
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