Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Out with the Yellow!

Last week was Spring Break for the local schools, so we decided to take off for 3 days also. With SS in "regular" school, we often find it easier to follow the school calendar. Kind of a bummer sometimes, but... Anyway, I decided to take care of some projects. When hubby added the pantry to the study, he had used a yellow paint which he thought matched the existing paint in the computer room. It didn't. My soft, soothing yellow was suddenly paired with the vibrant yellow that we used in the toy room. Rather than fixing the yellow since hubby doesn't like yellow paint anyway, I decided to carry the beige from the kitchen into the computer room in hopes that the rather random space would flow more smoothly. It does, and we just love it!

This is the view from the kitchen. I painted the area around the doorway in the kitchen too; it had been wallpapered in a periwinkle blue. The colors in the two rooms look different in this picture, but they are the same.

This is the view of the other side of the room. We painted the hallway area as well. (The paint color looks great with my sepia collage!) A and Co-Co helped with the painting project. A painted the corners, and Co-Co helped with the edging. They actually did a very good job, even though I was initially a little stressed about having them help.

One last picture to share right now. This one is of the snow that is currently falling - unbelievable!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Reason #736

Hubby and I have a little joke (though we're half-serious) about the reasons we homeschool. So here is reason #736 - school outside on a sunny day while listening to the birds, and a nice cup of coffee for mommy to enjoy while basking in the morning sunshine!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Big Kid

Neil-Te (while practicing piano): My teacher says he only teaches scales to big kids.
Me (puzzled): Well, aren't you playing the C scale right now?
Neil-Te: Yes, I said that he only teaches them to big kids.

Guess we're all clear on that now. :-)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Creepy Crawlies

There are about a million posts to catch up on; but since I am currently disgusted to see snow falling from the sky, I figured I'd catch up on this post from last week. (Notice the shorts and sunshine?!)Here is the first snake who was unfortunate enough to be basking on a day that the boys were out for a walk. As you can see, KiKi wasn't so sure about handling a snake; but CoCo is just feeling like the world is back to what it should be - a critter-catching place. This little snake has a new home under our shed in hopes that he will keep down the mouse population in the woodpile. I voted for throwing it into the camper to eat the mice in there, but...

Friday, April 2, 2010

Two Years in America!

Today, SS has officially been in America and a part of our family for two years.

We love you and thank God for you, SS!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

College Education

So...today I was educated in a meeting with SS' guidance counselor. Some things were old information, and some things were new. This is what I learned. SS needs to take a TESLOF and an ACT and fill out FAFSAs claiming EOP status in preparation for college. Hmmm... Do you feel educated too?