We have gone camping with our college friends every summer for over 15 years. Last year was the first year without a Big Awesome Summer Happening. It appeared that there would be no BASH again this year, until two of our "social coordinators" decided to hold a Michigan Backyard BASH. One of the BASHer couples graciously hosted a smaller version of BASH in their backyard. They also hosted our family in their basement for the weekend. (We did a token night in the tent for the official BASH overnight, but happily retreated to the basement the next night because it was SOoo hot outside.)
The family that we stayed with have three boys - 7, 4, and 2. Our kids had so much fun with them. Here is a picture of the 7 boys feeding the geese and ducks. (Don't worry - despite this serene picture, they did give the birds a good chasing!)

Here are the BASHers who made it to the overnight. (The 2nd couple on from the left are the ones who hosted.)

BASH - the next generation!

This is the youngest BASHER - two weeks old! What a pleasure! Hubby was happy for me to get my "baby-fix," but really she just made me want one! (Until she cried and her mom reminded me of the sleep loss! ;-) )