Neil -Te has been waiting and waiting for his teeth to fall out. His brothers have lost their teeth. His cousins have lost their teeth. His friends have lost their teeth. Poor Neil-Te turned 7 last week, and still had all of his baby teeth. Yesterday, while eating a pear (not a ripe one, of course - He can never quite wait that extra day for them to be truly ripe!), he realized that he had lost his tooth - literally. It was nowhere to be found. Not in the pear. Not on the table. Not on the floor. Not in his clothes. Probably inside of him. He has the proud honor of having truly lost his tooth. (He actually was not thrilled about that and was sure that I needed to search his bowel movements. Luckily, I was able to show him on Facebook that the tooth fairy had still come to visit some of his friends who had only written notes. Thanks for that, friends!)

As he was getting ready for bed, he asked Daddy to wiggle his other tooth a couple of times. Daddy wiggled once, then once more, and proceeded to pull out the tooth. Much crying and screaming ensued. (I was fairly certain he had fallen off his bunk.) Apparently, he just didn't like the blood- no pain, no injuries, just a couple spots of blood that really freaked him out. Now, he has another tooth honor - the first of his brothers to lose two in one day!
Our Toothless Wonder is a happy man.