It's birthday month!
A is now 12! His birthday wish list this year? York Peppermint Patties, sweet midget pickles, and a black marker! His dinner menu? Same as always - homemade macaroni and cheese. He did choose carrots and pineapple this year, which is a change.

Dad is another year older - not sure what his age claim is this year. Doesn't this look like the face of youth, though?

Mom made a great birthday dinner for me on my birthday. Nice to be spoiled!

This is my birthday treat from my hubby. I've been considering getting a lap dog since we had to put our cat down in the fall. I really wanted a cuddler, but didn't want to endanger a kitten with our overly-enthusiastic German Shepherd. So here is our new Cockalier (Cocker Spaniel and Cavalier mix). We all just love him! He plays with the kids and follows us around, and most importantly, he sleeps on my lap when I'm reading or watching television. I can just feel stress slip away while he snoozes!