Thursday, July 9, 2009

Big Guy

Since one of our favorite parts of camping is the campfire, hubby just had to have a mini-firepit for our deck. Though CoCo was eager to help, Daddy decided that Neil-Te was big enough to assist with this project. Neil-Te was thrilled, and CoCo let him savor the honor of being a "big guy."
So I just may never need to leave my house. I have a "playground", a pool, a "firepit," comfortable accommodations, a fully-equipped kitchen, and a pet-friendly environment. What more could I want? Not sure that I really want to cram into a 27 foot travel trailer for a vacation that is more work than staying at home!


Stacy said...

just go sleep out in the camper when your house is really messy! :)

Your house sounds like a vacation to me.

We should pack up and switch houses some week next summer. You come explore our coupla-acres, pick wild berries, splash in the creek, we'll come lay on the deck, play in the pool and roast marshmallows.... hmmmm I think we'd win on that deal. :P

Like Fudge said...

I think that I would have to move into my camper if it were based on messy house issues! By the way, my boys would love the wild berry picking and the creek - might be a tie!