Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat

The boys got to trick or treat with their cousins this year. They were quite the big crew showing up at people's houses, yelling, "TRICK or TREAT." It was fun to watch them, but the most hilarious part was the things that they would say after receiving the candy - hopefully, after the door had closed!
At one house, a teenager with lots of piercings was handing out candy. As we walked away from the house, KiKi said in confusion, "He looks like a pig." I imagine the teen wouldn't have thought his nose ring was so cool if he had heard that comment!

After pizza and trick-or-treating at Oma and Opa's, we picked up the girls and headed to my parents' for some more trick-or-treating. I'm in the picture because KiKi was afraid of the girls' makeup and refused to be in the picture without me!
We had lots of fun and the weather held out - only a tiny drizzle for maybe five minutes. The time change came on the perfect night - no pangs of guilt about a late bedtime this year. I guess I'm just saving some guilt for all of the candy I intend to persuade the boys to share!
Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

Dan and Alenna said...

I love the pig comment! That's hilarious!!