One of my girlfriends made up a fun meme about "Your Morning Essential." (See the "Coqui" link.) It was fun to actually think about something that I do every day, without fail, even if I am interrupted a million times. I have to admit that sometimes I forget to put on my deodorant, eat breakfast, put on socks... until a couple of hours after I have gotten up, but I did find two things that I never fail to do! I'll share the mushy one first. I always give my hubby a hug and a kiss before I start my day. I also have to open all of the curtains or blinds in the house as soon as I am dressed, or at least in my bathrobe! Even my dog waits in eager anticipation for me to open the blinds in my room so that she can get up. I have a very hard time leaving my room on a Saturday morning when hubby is sleeping later than I because I feel all out of sorts that I can't open the blinds. I do always open our bathroom blind, though! :-)
Now it's your turn to share your morning essential - Chez Loucks, this should give you something silly to get writing about!
You gotta stop teasing us with these pictures....all I see out your gorgeous windows is green....when I know in reality that is far far far away!
Yeah! I thought the same when I posted it. I just didn't want to take the time to take a picture this morning because I was trying to post fast! At least it reminds us that someday there will be an end to the snow! :-)
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