This is a product of changing time! I have a house FULL of grumpy people - myself included. So allow me to rant about the complete ridiculousness of changing time in a society that is no longer a farming culture! Such a pain! So disruptive! Completely useless! I will allow - it sure is nice to have extra light in the evening, but is it truly worth the frustration?
Tonight, I am happy that the little boys are in bed - I need their rest!
I have to admit to having had a grumpy day too. But honestly I can't really hate DST because when I grew in PR (we didn't change) it meant that all summer long Atlantic Time was in sync with the eastern timezone and some of the tv shows we always wanted to watch were actually on before our bedtime.
So I have this slightly irrational attachment to it because of my childhood associations with it.
I do hate however the fact that we are back to waiting in the dark for the bus. I really wish they hadn't extended it a few years ago.
What a sad face....is that really from the other day? The kids here are ok....with the exception of O's attitude the other day and again I apologize for that! It was strange going to Cadets last night and it was not dark....so I do like that =) But I have a hard enough time getting up in the morning and when it is still dark even harder.
Hope it gets better soon!
See you Wednesday!
That picture is actually from Thursday, March 5; but it fit my day so perfectly that I used it anyway. The title is misfiled due to my continued Easy Share troubles! UGH! Anyway, I am having a tough time in the morning too!
OK I scratch my above comment....Miss E was still up 15 minutes ago....and I put her to bed at 7:30!!!!!!! UGH!
Like the new Birthday Background....for the busy birthday month in your family. Maybe change the green text color though a touch hard to read on the blue background. = )
What a sad face!!!
(I really like the time change though, b/c I like it light at night.)
But I don't like sad faces like that one.
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