Last night was SS' spring concert. She has been a part of concert choir this year and gets to stand right in the front row. She remembered all of her words- much to her relief. She gets herself quite worried for weeks leading up to the concert.

Tonight was awards night. She has been on high honor roll all year, and received an award in Mathematics - her LEAST favorite subject. However, considering that she knew our numbers when she came to America like we know Roman numerals, she has come a long way. She worked hard to learn to do math computations with our numbers and fully deserves that award.

Her girlfriends joined us as moral support. SS didn't even want to go to the awards ceremony at all until a couple of days ago because she felt uncomfortable in front of so many people.

This was
KiKi's interest in the awards ceremony. He was asleep before they even finished the introductory music!
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