I don't know what is going on with Blogger today, but excuse the underlining. I can't seem to make it disappear. Anyway, the older boys set up a lemonade stand at Oma's today during her garage sale. It was a huge success. They were very cute - shyly smiling and saying hello to everyone. Then they would race over to me after the people were gone to tell me their current total. So tonight we were busy making more cookies and also some brownies, since I ran out of chocolate chips. The picture below shows our working conditions.

Though not an ideal set-up for getting anything done in the kitchen, I am happy that my living room will be painted by the end of the weekend. Happy, happy, joy, joy!

And here is the wonderful man who's making it happen!
can't wait to see the final result! I love painting!
The lemonaide stand is great. We did one with our last garage sale and the proceeds went towards our adoption. Everynight we were making new baked items but the kids had a great time!
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