The snow came up to A's knees, and the kids had a great time playing in it. CoCo was a little upset that his snowboard kept sinking in the snow, but he soothed his disappointment by digging a tunnel.

SS joined in on the fun by taking pictures from the safety and warmth of kitchen. She did actually go outside in the snow during the afternoon to shovel a bit and even made a snowball. Though, she did state rather emphatically, "This doesn't mean I like snow!"

Those are the fun parts of our snowcane. The not so fun parts were the need to snow blow twice today, trying to get the minivan out of the driveway (not succeeding), having hubby come home from work to help me (He was got stuck in the parking lot at work.), driving 2 1/2 hours to get to a Dr.'s office that is 20 minutes away... Well, now that I am snuggled up with a warm drink and comfy pjs, even those things seem kind of like the adventures of a snowcane!
my goodness!
Even without any of the lake-effect you guys get, we still had about 12 inches since yesterday. I'm sorry you had to go out today in it at all - we had a "hermit day", and I loved it! SS is too funny! I loved her comment, and I definitely agreed with her!
I thought of the boys as we shoveled our driveway today! We have perfect tunnel-building piles here; one of the piles is taller than Cati =)
WOW!!! I will DEF make sure your brother sees this when he gets home tonight!!! This should quell his romaticized thoughts of New York winters!
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