Monday, November 28, 2011


An ugly thing happened to me today as I stood in line at Justice watching the woman in front of me check out her items. As I watched her fold piece, after piece of clothing- two FULL stacks of beautiful, non-clearance girl's clothing, I found myself becoming envious. I looked down at my handsome ten-year-old in his hand-me-down sweatshirt, worn-out jeans, and broken shoes and wished that I could run into some store and spoil him with a whole new wardrobe. I swallowed down my envy and looked down at my chatty, five-year-old who was beaming up at me in perfect happiness that he had found the perfect pajamas to give his cousin. Rather than celebrating with him that he had helped to chose such a fun gift, I pondered just how many times I say, "No, they aren't on clearance," to him when we pass the superhero pajamas at Target. Unfortunately, I carried that feeling of envy home with me -ugly and ungrateful. I entered my home, was greeted by my overly-enthusiastic dogs and the hustle and bustle of watching and helping my kids wrap their gifts, and was reminded that I have so much. Maybe we don't have brand new clothes most of the time, and maybe we don't have all of the latest gadgets, but we have so much more. I treasure the time I am able to spend with my children, the hours spent reading and snuggling together. I treasure my husband who still lights up when he comes home from work (even when he can probably smell the baby spit on my shoulder when he kisses me.) I'm thankful for my warm home on a rainy day, the phone calls from family with just the right words of love and encouragement when I need them. God has blessed us in more ways than I can begin to list, or than anyone else would possibly care to read. Suddenly, a couple of piles of new clothes doesn't seem so important.


Stacy said...

Wow. Yes.
The homeschool days are not easy - but they do include our children. With us. By our side. We forgo an extra income but we have riches beyond measure. That woman at the store - maybe she never had any children and they are for someone else. Maybe she does have kids, but they are at school all day - away from her.
You are so blessed. Those clothes won't fit in a year. They could be stained and spoiled in days.

Marsel said...

Amen! I understand completely.

Anonymous said...

I relate to the envy you describe so well, even while struggling to resist the rampant consumerism of our society. But for the record, Reba, your boys always look so terrific on Sundays -- polished and dressed to the nines. I would never guess anything wasn't new! (By the way, have you been to Once Upon a Child? LOVE that store.)

And good for you, racking up those reading memories with your boys! There's nothing better!

Dan and Alenna said...

Aww... that made me cry! We were just talking to the boys tonight about how "rich" we are. And we told them that we might not have a huge house or lots of stuff, but we have the most important thing. And when they looked at us questioningly, we spanned our arms around all three of them at the kitchen table and told them that FAMILY is the most important thing. Thank you for sharing this post, Reba! I love you!

Shala Howell said...

Beautiful post, Rebs. Made me miss your warm smile.

Hollie said...

We are all guilty of being taken over by that green eyed monster. (I was, for the longest time, over the number of your blog posts compared to mine!!)

As for clearance rack clothes - there is very (and I mean very) little I buy that doesn't come from the clearance rack!! And if I have a coupon to go with it, all the better!! I reordered a bunch of shirts from Kohl's, because the next day I found a stackable coupon that gave me an additional 15% off, when I got the two sets of shirts in, I took the first order back in for a credit!!