Monday, December 15, 2008

Early Christmas

Hubby and the boys wrapped some Christmas gifts for their cousins on Saturday while KiKi was napping. They then put the gifts under the Christmas tree. It looked quite festive, and the boys were proud of themselves. Yesterday was very busy, and I am not sure that KiKi even noticed the gifts; but when I went downstairs this morning, it looked just like Christmas morning. There were wrapping paper and gifts strewn across the entire room! KiKi was reprimanded by his brothers, but I didn't even know what to say. Do I punish him when I never told him that they weren't for him and when I left him unsupervised so that I could take a shower?!? I am actually astonished that I ever thought they were safe! Unfortunately, I cleaned up the mess before I thought to take a picture; but here is a chocolate-faced Mr. Innocent!


Anonymous said...


Ana said...

HA HA!, I can online imagine he glee and feeling of good fortune at finding this amazing treasure trove.