Tuesday, August 18, 2009

He's Home!

I just want to update that Hubby's heart converted to normal rhythm moments just as the nurse arrived with a wheelchair to pick him up for "shock treatment" (Hubby's wording). He is still maintaining proper rhythm, though his rate and blood pressure are a little low. He is happy to be home, though nervous about a recurrence. He will be on medication for at least a couple of weeks until he meets with the cardiologist again. Right now, all of his heart test results and enzyme levels are normal, so they can see no obvious reason for his AF.
We have appreciated the prayers, phone calls, emails and visits. Thanks to Mimi for taking such great care of the kids. Thanks to Oma, Opa and sisters who stayed with us today at the hospital. I wish that I could respond individually to each one of you, but our household needs to settle down a bit. The kids are so happy to have daddy back home. The boys are currently piled on the couch with him, playing cards. SS is "KaPa sitting" to make sure he doesn't get up too fast or do too much.

1 comment:

sara Van Zee said...

Hey Reba,
we will continue to pray for you. That is scary. I hope you have an uneventful weekend.