Sunday, December 13, 2009

CoCo's Accomplishment

Some of you may remember that last time CoCo had a recital, he found that he was unable to perform. He had always practiced on a piano; and for whatever reason, the promised piano was replaced with a keyboard. CoCo had never played a keyboard and didn't want recital night to be his first time.
So... when the music studio began discussing recitals this season, I was unsure what his reaction would be. At first he was hesitant, stating his piano/keyboard concerns. Then his teacher assured him that they could practice on the keyboard every lesson to prepare, and CoCo was thrilled. He chose two pieces - a waltz and a lullaby. He practiced faithfully and was, again, fully prepared. We arrived close to starting time so that he wouldn't have time to get nervous. (Luckily, grandpa saved seats.) CoCo waited patiently for his turn, about 2/3 of the way through the program. Just as the student before him finished and CoCo was preparing to stand up, the director took the microphone and said that there was going to be a slight change in the programming. CoCo's turn was going to be moved until after the intermission. UGH! As I walked down the hallway with him, I asked him if he was alright with waiting a bit longer to play because grandma had run out to get SS from work and would be coming back to hear CoCo. I said, "Are you okay with waiting until grandma and SS get back, or will it make you nervous."
He looked at me, puzzled. "Should I be nervous?" (Guess I was the only nervous one!)
Anyway, when grandma and SS got there, CoCo played with complete confidence and pleasure. YEAH!


Stacy said...

YAY CoCo! [And Mama!]

Dan and Alenna said...

I know how terrifying those recitals can be. Good work, CoCo!!