Because it is KiKi's birthday week, he has had to have his annual Dr.'s appt. and his first official dentist appt. We have decided to bring him to the same dentist who is doing SS's pro-bono braces. He is a pediatric dentist and actually did my braces when I was a teenager.
So the morning of KiKi's dentist appt., he had clearly either woken up too early or just decided to be cranky because he thought it would add interest to our day. Anyway, when we got to the dentist, he made it very clear that he wanted NOTHING to do with choosing a toothbrush (They even had tigger!), and he tried to burrow between my legs when the hygienist handed him Sponge Bob toothpaste. The hygienist shuffled me back to the waiting area so I could fill out some papers and KiKi could relax with some toys. "I think that he may need to just get used to us today," she commented.
I grumped in my head, "He comes here every two weeks to play while his sister gets her braces adjusted. How much more getting-used-to does he need?!" But I did the nice mommy thing and said, "KiKi, do you know that you get a treat if you are very cooperative with the nice lady?"
Clearly enthused, he replied, "I do?"
After persuading A to sit with him on the exam chair, he clambered up and lay with his mouth open, until the hygienist approached him with "THE TOOLS!" You can all imagine the perspective of a 3 year old when it comes to sharp, pointy objects being thrust into his mouth with the claim that they "are going to count his teeth!" Well, the mouth slammed shut, the whimpering began, and when "THE TOOLS" had moved far enough away, the crying commenced!
Dr. S heard the crying and came out of his office. I don't know what magic he used, but he had KiKi giggling uncontrollably within seconds. KiKi giggled for a good 20 minutes, much to the relief of mommy and the delight of the staff. Yesterday, when SS needed her braces adjusted, he begged to go visit "HIS doctor." Just mentioning the doctor's name makes him giggle! So what began as a disaster ended with the giggles, a favorite tigger toothbrush, a new love for cleaning his teeth!
Alls well that ends well...sounds like a great office....I miss seeing kids...it feels so rewarding to turn an appointment around like that :)
Okay - visiting your blog from flssgrl's. I can not believe that Dr. "S." is still practicing! I went to him 100 years ago. I detested the guy. It certainly sounds like his "chairside manner" has become wonderful.
Your family is beautiful! ♥
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