So my dear hubby is out this morning helping some of our friends buy a new-to-them car. This family came to America last February, and the father is hoping to pass a driving test in a couple of weeks. D has been fretting about this purchase all week because the pressure of research and negotiations is all on him. The family's English is steadily improving, but they are unable to do most business-type of transactions yet. So off hubby goes in hopes to find a reliable, silver car (The wife would really like a convertible SAAB, but we were able to talk them out of it! :-)) that they can afford.
I, on the other hand, am enjoying a cup of coffee and savoring a form of web contact that makes sense to me. I signed up for facebook Thursday night because hubby had volleyball, and I wanted to look at H's page. I have quickly discovered that though I really like seeing friends and former students' pictures, I feel overwhelmed by the number of emails and interactions. I don't know how some of my friends manage 200+ friends! I may need to figure ou t how to get my profile off of facebook since it appears that the reclusive side of me is in a mild panic! Facebook feels like a lot of small talk, which is really not my thing. Well, everyone assures me that it is the initial startup that is time consuming, so we'll see! I'm off to the bookstore with the boys. They got gift certificates from their aunt for Christmas. CoCo already know what he is buying, and A will probably take an hour to decide - sometimes he reminds me of his mother! :-)
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