Our boys' favorite place to play is the sand hill off the side yard. They have done quite extensive excavations - huge holes that are deeper than the boys are tall! Even
KiKi joins in. He trots around the sand with bare feet, despite my best efforts to get him to keep his shoes on. I'm sorry that I didn't think to capture those
tootsers in my picture. (Anyone else a little grossed out by the mud-dipped
pine cones behind

This is the sandcastle that
CoCo built today. Big brother told him that it was impossible to stack two buckets for the largest tower, which made
CoCo all the more determined to keep trying. On his fourth try, it finally held! Of course,
CoCo also had to add some climbing trees and foliage - ever the nature guy.

This is the creation that A and Neil-Te made with AG. AG has been my mother's helper since I started homeschooling 3 years ago, and she never fails to come up with something fun and creative to do with the boys. The boys are always so excited on her "day," and Mommy is always happy to get a little house cleaning done - not that my freshly mopped floors stay very clean when the boys tramp in with all of their dirt! ;-) Anyway, here's hoping that the
forecasted rain won't wash away these creations too soon!
ha ha....for a second i thought those pine cones were um doogie doo doo :)
now that is a cool sand pile
and the mother's helper?!?! That is cool too!
Oh, I had so much fun on Wednesday!! My legs were really tired after climbing up and down the hill constantly to fill my castle mold, but it was so fun! I love digging the dirt with the boys!
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