The sight of this glass strewn across the length of my kitchen, living room, and even down the steps, was what greeted me when I responded to A's shrieks of, "Mommy! Mommy!" Funny that just last week I began using glass again to drink my juice in the morning. I have had nearly all of my glassware relegated to the top shelf for a couple of years - since CoCo and A began getting drinks for themselves. Though I'm sad to have to return to plastic drinkware all day again, at least I have two independent boys who not only get their own drinks, but still think its cool to get drinks for their brothers!
My youngest decided two weeks ago she doesn't want sippy cups anymore. Which is all fine and good, except for the massive quantities of beverages I am wiping up daily. It is a six-of-one-half-dozen-of-the-other issue for me. On one hand, as the "boss," I could require the sippies... on the other hand, she is three and it wouldn't kill me to have a sippy-less cabinet after 9 years.
If it is any consolation, I really like your blue glassware. I just have dish-washer damaged clear ones, myself! :P
I'm struggling with the sippy issue myself. KiKi mostly won't use them, but I pull them out once in while when we are heading outside. I was looking at my cupboard and thinking how much more space I would have without them!
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