Tuesday, January 19, 2010

KiKi is Four!

It is hard to believe, but here he is four years old!He had a fun day - pancake breakfast, Chuck E. Cheese with brothers and Bubba and Auntie T, a visit from Auntie J, and then a pizza dinner with Oma and Opa and Grandma and Grandpa! He proudly proclaimed to all who would listen that he was four years old today. It was a pleasure to see his face light up with every new activity and every new gift. He literally jumped up and down and danced with delight.

While I feel a little sad that he is growing so quickly, sometimes it helps to look at pictures like these to remember that the more things change...

the more they stay the same!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

happy birthday, KiKi!
That is our kind of birthday fun, too. :)