Saturday, November 26, 2011

Highlights from May and June

CoCo and Neil-Te with their cars and trophies. CoCo designed a sleek, fast, and stylish car. Neil-Te wanted only a wedge so his car would be fast.

SS turned 19 four days after GB was born. I figured that I had better post a picture since I'm pretty sure that she was so sleep-deprived that she barely remembers!

Neil-Te graduated from Children in Worship (the children's program at church) and received his first "big boy" Bible. SS completed her college-bound program the same day.

GB's first official bath. Don't you just love all the hair?!

This is just a regular day for A. He's a cuddler and a reader and has discovered that newborns, snuggly dogs and a good book are a great way to spend some free time.

There were times over the past few years when SS would decide not to complete high school, but with a lot of support from teachers and school staff, she persevered through the daily challenge. We are so proud of her accomplishment, and so is she!


Stacy said...

I love the pictures. All of them. We can totally relate to the pic of A, the book, & the baby.

I am very proud of SS!

Marsel said...

You've definitely had a busy year!!!